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Newport Harbor has seven different offshore mooring fields designated "A" through "K". The fields are designated in Progressive order: field "A" lies most eastward while field "K" lies most westward. Within each field, moorings are designated by number. Numbering of larger fields starts at the side closest to shore, so that mooring C-55 is the fifth mooring north in the fifth row of field C. Fields with only two or three moorings abreast do not follow the row/mooring convention. They are simply numbered sequentially. Mooring floats are marked with their numbers to facilitate their use. There are also eight different onshore mooring fields designated "E", "L", "LN", "LS", "N", "P", "S", and "W" whose moorings are accessible form the beaches of the harbor.
Newport Harbor Yacht Club (NHYC) and Balboa Yacht Club (BYC) maintain mooring fields; they also extend reciprocal use to many visiting yachts. These mooring fields are not administrated by the City.
Harbor Overview and Mooring Field Maps are shown below, and are also listed as downloadable files.