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There are approximately 1,600 hundred mooring in Newport Harbor, both onshore and offshore moorings. The moorings are located in fifteen different mooring fields spread throughout the harbor, designated A through W. For a map of the harbor and detailed maps of each of the mooring fields, please click the "Mooring Fields" button below.
All mooring permits are administrated by the City of Newport Beach through the Harbor Department. Moorings are transferred by mooring permit holders directly. Available moorings can be found in local publications like the Log, Craig's List and other local publications. A mooring transfer must be completed when buying and selling a mooring permit, per Municipal Code Section 17.60.040. To transfer a mooring, you will be required to provide identification, vessel documentation, and proof of insurance. Transfer forms must be fully completed, notarized and submitted to Harbor Department staff. Transfers are processed by appointment only and can be made by contacting the Department at The transfer process takes approximately 30 minutes.
Individual mooring permits can only be transferred once per 12 month period, except when transferred between immediate family members.
There are 4 main costs components of obtaining a mooring permit:
Mooring Permit Costs - The value of a mooring permit can vary depending on the location and size of the mooring. A general rule of thumb is approximately $1,000 - $1,500 per foot, though larger moorings and single point moorings have been valued higher. For an updated list of recent mooring transfers, please reference the mooring transfer lists that are maintained by the Harbor Department:
A mooring transfer must be completed when buying and selling a mooring permit, per Municipal Code Section 17.60.040. Transfer forms must be fully completed, notarized and submitted to Madison Vitarelli, Permit Technician. Transfers are processed by appointment only and can be made by contacting Madison Vitarelli at or 949-718-3429
Mooring Tackle Maintenance - The permit owners mooring tackle must be renewed every two years, and this service can range between $500 and $3,000 depending on the work that must be performed.
The Harbor Department Is in the process of updating the procedure for changing the lengths of moorings. Please contact the Harbormaster's Office for the updated procedure until the Harbor Code is updated and approved by the City Council. The new procedures were anticipated to be finalized along with other updates to Title 17 in March 2020, however this portion of the revised code has not been finished or approved. The NMA does not know when mooring extensions will be granted.
The City requires all mooring permittees to employee and maintain appropriate sea lion deterrent measures to keep their vessels seal-free. The City follows the guidelines set forth by NOAA. Please visit their link for the latest allowable deterrents:
Moorings are available for harbor guests on a first-come, first-served basis and upon availability. Please visit the City's link:
The City also offers 23-overnight slips for vessels up to 55 feet. Marina Park is a 10.5-acre community center and sailing center with an onsite cafe, the Lighthouse Bayview Cafe. Guest accommodations include laundry, showers and restroom facilities, utilities, free Wi-Fi and beach, playground and picnic areas. For more information or to reserve a guest slip, please visit the City's Marina Park web page.
The following files and links contain helpful information for mooring permitees. We will continue to update this section. Contact us if you have suggestions!
Recent NMA publications and meeting presentations are shown below. Archived NMA Newsletters and NMA Annual Meeting Presentations , as well as files from the 2014 - 2016 Mooring Transferability and Fee Study activities can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
The City of Newport Beach has a page devoted to Mooring Permittees, and it contains all the latest information and regulations pertaining to moorings in the Newport Harbor. Shown here are the general regulations, a discussion of offshore permits and rates, onshore moorings, guest moorings and mooring transfers:
The following links are to materials on the City of Newport Beach's website. Please note that the city keeps extensive records of past Harbor Commission and City Council agendas, staff reports and minutes.
Information on the City's Harbor Department and further links to harbor resources can be found here:
The latest schedule of Harbor Fees and Rents can be found here:
Information on the Harbor Commission and their meetings, agendas and minutes can be found here:
Information on the City Council and their meetings, agendas, minutes and videos can be found here:
The Beacon Bay Bill is a reference to the California State Lands Commission’s grant of sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust to the City of Newport Beach (City). The original grant was dated July 25, 1919 and there have been several separate amendments since then, including a new grant in 1978. All of these combined documents are referred to as the Beacon Bay Bill (bill) for simplicity purposes, and can be found here:
Here are the NMA Annual Meeting presentation slides as well as our newsletters. Our recent NMA Newsletters are available as downloadable PDFs. The newsletters from 2008 through 2016 are also archived as PDFs in the original web page format written by our former webmaster, Chip Donnelly.
Here are various NMA documents used during the mooring transferability and fee reduction discussions archived as downloadable PDFs.